Complications of diabetic retinopathy
Diabetes is a chronic injury of vascular complications prominent to more dangerous for the kidneys, arteries, nerves... Especially the retina (tissue oxygen consumption highest body).
Light Microscope Image
This is also the prominent cause of blindness in the flood caused the age of 20 - 65. The screening and early treatment can slow progression of the disease and preclude complications of blindness.
Inthe industrialized countries like Usa, Japan, Singapore... Are qualified with very contemporary eye care. Images may be transferred to trauma centers of control and treatment of diabetic retinopathy to be the scholar test and laser fluorescence angiography of the retina and frozen to withhold foresight in patients.
In other countries, diabetic retinopathy is increasing. However, diabetic patients have only been tracking and supervision in healing centers. When there are complications in the eye, the new patients to scholar eye examination. These patients should be monitored very, supervision and early treatment diabetic retinopathy a systematic way.
Detection and treatment
To value the retinal damage caused by diabetes, there are any methods: ophthalmoscopy, fundus color photography digital, fluorescent retinal angiography.
Thanks to accurately detect lesions on the retina, manufacture specified fluorescence angiography, retinal laser light can be frozen in time conservation foresight for patients with diabetes to serve the treatment, originate also qualified with laser wavelength 532nm, this motor is a laser that can dispell circuit to 90% energy. This contributes to sell out complications, growth the therapeutic succeed of laser retinal optic winter.
Cataracts as well as potential complications of blind diabetic patients. The lens transfer surgical operation soon Phaco recipe will help to diagnose and monitor retinal most efficiently.
The process of test and treatment for patients with diabetic retinopathy as recommended by the Diabetes connection of the World:
1. Eye examination.
2. Eye on exiguous examination, counseling treatment.
3. Ultrasound appraisal of the state assistance eye glasses - retina.
4. test and fundus color photography digital data.
5. Retinal fluorescence angiography (if necessary).
6. Visual laser color laser retinal East 532 (when indicated).
Although there have been major advances in science and technology in the determination and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, but periodic eye examinations are important, to help early detection, supervision and timely laser treatment. That is the best way conduce to improving potential of life for patients with diabetes.
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